Other Characters

Valentine Morgenstern: Valentine, Jocelyn’s Ex-husband and Clary’s Father. Valentine returns after being in hiding for seven years, during witch time her was presumed to be dead. He was a Shadowhunter until he betrayed the Clave and was banished from Idris.



Jocelyn Fray/Fairchild: Jocelyn is the other of Clary. She took on the name Fray to keep hidden. She was the shadowhunter Jocelyn Fairchild, wife to Valentine. Jocelyn Fairchild is believed too be dead. She stole the Mortal Cup from Valentine and ran. She went into hiding to protect both Clary and the Mortal Cup, witch she hid in a card she gave to a neighbor with out anyone but her knowing where it was. She hid everything of her past from Clary and pretended to be a normal Mundane, she told Clary her father had died in a crash and created a shelter for those who the Calve would kill when to her they did no wrong.



Luke Garroway/Lucian Graymark: Luke helped Jocelyn hide Clary and was very close and protective when he needed to be. He knew what to say and do to protect them in different situations and even after telling Clary to never call him again he keeps watch over her and help her when she is endanger. Luke is a were-wolf.  He is only know as Luke Garroway when he is pretending to be Mundane and those who know him as Mundane.



Mangus Bane: Mangus is a warlock who for years has been helping Jocelyn to take away Clary’s ‘sight’ so she won’t see through glamors. Obviously though, this does wear off.


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