Question one

In the book Clary is very down on herself. She always looks at her mother and thinks that her mother is a better artist and that she is prettier then her. When she meets Isabelle she has similar insecurities.

Do you think that people should always compare themselves to others? why or why not?


Question two

In the book the main characters all of witch are teenagers seem to let their emotions run their actions. This causes many problems through out the story.

Do you think that most people allow their emotions to get in the way of their goals and tasks? Why or why not? Please give examples.


Question three

How many teens today disobey their parents? way to many to count. In City Of Bones a larger part of the Clary, the protagonist, is not doing what she is told. She fallows her heart and morals and sometimes just doesn’t listen because she is upset. If she did half of what she was told the she would have never seen what her mother was hiding from her though.

Do you think it’s okay to not listen to rules or instructions that were set out to protect people? Is it okay to through the rule out the window and just go on first instinct with out considering the consequences?